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Support and Counselling

The focus of our Growth Centre is to oversee the emotional, physical, spiritual, health and therapeutic care of all our learners and teachers (Junior and Senior School). The group of professionals work closely together to provide a comprehensive counselling, referral and advisory service to the DSG community as a whole in order to create an optimal learning environment to our learners. As such we are dedicated to helping each individual, group or family who approaches us for support.

Emotional Well-being
(Educational Psychologists)

The Educational Psychology department consists of three educational psychologists. We work closely together with parents, teachers and outside professionals to render an effective multi-disciplinary service.

Physical Well-being

The Sanatorium is a very warm and cosy environment where our two qualified nursing sisters take care of the sick or injured girls. The girls are assessed and given medication with the appropriate consent from the parents. We take care of minor ailments like coughs and colds as well as more serious injuries such as broken arms.

We also work closely with parents, teachers and other professionals such as doctors, dentists, hospitals etc.

Spiritual Well-being

St Mary's DSG is a Christian school of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa (ACSA) within the Diocese of Pretoria. The school aims to deepen an awareness of the love of God and to encourage spiritual growth. Faith is important in the life of the school and this is symbolised by the centrality of the chapel on the school campus.

Although St Mary's DSG is an Anglican school, girls from other denominations and faiths are welcomed and their convictions respected.  Chapel attendance remains compulsory, with the Junior School girls attending Chapel Services on Wednesdays  and Fridays and Senior School girls on Tuesdays and every second Thursday. Voluntary services including mass are celebrated regularly; these provide ample opportunity for girls and staff  to further their worship. The Sunday services are compulsory for boarders but day girls and parents are welcomed to attend.

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